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Imperial College Clarification Letter

24 February 2023

24 Feb 2023

SEJ letter seeking clarification around a number of points in the recent study assessing Canonbury East, Clerkenwell Green and St Peter’s LTNs.

Dr Audrey de Nazelle

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Centre for Environmental Policy

Imperial College

Dear Dr de Nazelle,

Open Letter

We are writing to seek clarification around a number of points in the recent study assessing Canonbury East, Clerkenwell Green and St Peter’s LTNs.


We have several questions about the study:


· Can you tell us why these three Islington LTNs were chosen? 


· Why was there no mention of the other LTNs that were in the same area and put in at the same time? Does this not invalidate the report’s definition of control sites?

· Data was provided by Islington Council - a council which previously admitted to get some of its data wrong. Which data was used in the study?


· Can you say why ‘boundary areas’ were assessed rather than specific roads, as was done in the consultant reports commissioned by Islington?


· Previous counts from all councils, including Islington, showed significant traffic increases on some boundary roads (see Appendix 1). Was this assessed in the study?


· What assessment was made of displaced traffic beyond the ‘boundary areas’? Did you do any analysis as to whether the council monitoring covered likely alternative displacement routes? From a traffic map it seems several key roads were not monitored.


· The ATC analysis software in some boroughs was found to have had a default setting to include low speed (below 10kmph) traffic in 2020 – i.e. during the 'before' counts, but the default was changed by the vendor in an update in 2021 to exclude low speed traffic (i.e. for 'after' counts). Do you know whether low speed traffic was included or excluded for each data point? 


· In addition to this, how did the report account for the reduced accuracy of low speed traffic where that traffic was included, where congestion increased on boundary roads at peak times?


· Councils have also said they used 'fill in' data where ATCs failed to collect data on some days - was this data included or excluded? 


· We saw no raw data in the report, only summaries. Can you disclose key raw data - like traffic flow numbers & not just percentages?

·  We also have questions about the location of the comparative sites used. It seems that some of Boundary Sites and External Control Sites were also boundary roads for other LTNs and some were located within other LTNs. We outline the sites we are concerned about below.

Where traffic measurements were taken:


Boundary Sites

Junction Canonbury Road/Halton Rd: also boundary road for St Mary’s Church LTN

Essex Rd: Also boundary road for Canonbury West LTN


External Control Sites

Highbury Grove: boundary road for Highbury LTN

Holloway Road: boundary road for Highbury LTN

Where air pollution measurements were taken:

Boundary Site

Arran Walk: within Canonbury West LTN

External Control Site

Just south of Penton Rise: within Amwell LTN

Highbury Fields: within Highbury LTN

Highbury Grove: boundary road for Highbury LTN

Holloway Road: boundary road for Highbury LTN


We look forward to your response.


Happy to discuss in person.


Many thanks.


Yours sincerely,


Clair Battaglino

Katharina Herrmann

Stella Sawyer

John Stewart

Directors SEJ (Social & Environmental Justice) 

Appendix One:


Below is a summary the traffic data collected by Islington Council. It seems to show a different picture from the Imperial Study.

Highbury LTN


Internal roads (roads inside the LTN):

67% reduction


Boundary roads:

Hornsey Road -28%,  

Highbury Grove by -10%,

Seven Sisters Road +7%,

St Paul’s Road +15%,

Blackstock Road (north) +65%

Blackstock Road (south) +17%.

Interim data for Holloway Road was found to be of unacceptably poor quality to use for analysis,


Anwell LTN


Internal roads:

44%. Reduction


Boundary roads:

Amwell Street -2%,

Claremont Square +4%

Rosebery Avenue +3%

Pentonville Road -3%

Farringdon Road + 36%


Traffic on roads beyond the trial boundary

‘could be influenced by factors beyond the Amwell trial’.

Local roads 14% reduction

Main roads 27% increase


Canonbury East LTN


Internal roads

78% reduction


Boundary roads

New North Road +7%

Balls Pond Road +7%

Essex Road +5% and -3% (two different locations),

Southgate Road -13% and -49% (two different locations)

Baring Street -8%


Canonbury West LTN


Internal roads

46% reduction


Boundary roads

Essex Road -9%

St Paul’s Road +15%

Canonbury Road -42%


Clerkenwell LTN


Internal roads

34% reduction


Boundary roads

St John Street +38%

Skinner Street +22%


St Peters LTN


Internal roads

22% reduction


Boundary roads

New North Road – 11%

Essex Road +3%

City Road -21% (on a very small sample)


St Marys LTN

No info on council site



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